Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Spring branches

Hello everyone. You would think some of my projects would be checked off my list since it's been so cold here and we have been stuck inside lately. Nope. The trim around all the doors still need to be painted and the back hallway that leads to the basement and the door we use everyday still needs paint and a new floor. I guess February will have to be my month to get the boring stuff done.

Meanwhile, I have been thinking about bringing spring inside.

       Martha Stewart

Spring is pretty far off for us here in the Midwest so I try to stay sane by bringing spring inside whenever I can. Fresh flowers are great but flowering braches are even better. They are so dramatic and beautiful!

Martha Stewart

Almost any spring flowering shrub or tree can be forced indoors. But some of the more popular spring branches for forcing are cherry, dogwood, forsythia, magnolia, pear, pussy willow, serviceberry and redbud.

The only one I have tried so far is branches from a magnolia tree. I might try something different this year too.

Southern Living

I found a great step by step if you want to give it a try Here.  Have you ever tried it? It's easy to do, you just have to be a little patient. I will share my flowering branches with you once I get them started. Have a great day!


  1. That last picture is DIVINE!!!! It is spring in a simple vision. Love it...you have me all ears {or eyes I guess}.

    I don't have any flowering branches, but I have a few neighbors who do. :)


  2. Oh how cool! That is a great idea. I am so done with the snow right now. I want flowers and sprinklers and kids running around the yard.

  3. I love when the trees start to bud and when you can purchase the branches even at the grocery stores!! Lovely images every single one put a smile on my face,Kathysue

  4. I have never given it a try but now you have me thinking it would be a wonderful thing to attempt. Thanks

  5. Thanks for stopping by! I've been meaning to try forcing branches for the last couple of years but I have a black thumb! Maybe I'll finally give it a try!

  6. I so need spring too!! Thank you for the tips and I really need to try these to get me through this winter!!

  7. You and your floral talent. Inspiring!

  8. It is definitely that time of year in the midwest when we all start yearning for spring! I absolutely love flowering branches!

  9. ooooo... i love that last southern living photo. beautiful display.

  10. You read my mind! It's been rainy and cold here even for the south. While out walking our dog yesterday I spied our Forsythia bushes and thought the same thing. It really is easy, and I love the look this time of year.

  11. Yay for flowers :) Maybe this year I will try forcing. They add so much beauty to a room.


  12. I have a dogwood and every year I say I am going to force blooms...don't have a clue how. Thanks for the link! :-)


  13. I have never in my life heard of anyone forcing blooms on branches. I must be sheltered!
    I need to do this!!!!
    Have a pretty day!

  14. I only have Magnolia trees but I'm going to try it- so excited!!!
    Thanks Londen,

  15. I tried it last year and will do it again this year. It was so nice having those early blooms inside. I had great success with Forsythia and ok success dogwood and azaleas. My neighbor has a red bud so I'll try to get a branch from her to try and I will be looking for fallen and cut branches in my neighborhood--I would love to get a Kwanzan cherry branch and there are a few in my hood so I might get lucky!

  16. Gorgeous inspiration Londen. I am going to have to give it a whirl, but with my black thumb, ya never know.

  17. what a good idea! i have a dogwood tree in my back yeard. I'm going to try it!

  18. MMmmm, yummy pictures! A little computer screen spring! You always pick out the BEST inspiration pictures. Looking forward to seeing your arrangements!

  19. Love that picture of all the branches in the green jars - perfection!


    PS Gave you a little award on Seagrass Interiors! : )

  20. Beautiful! I would love and try to force branches..maybe i'll give it a shot. Can't wait to see yours! I am so jealous you've gotten to see Ray in concert :) I need to see if he comes around down here...his voice is amazing.

  21. I have always wondered how to do this! Thanks for sharing :) - how long will the branches last once they've flowered?
