Friday, April 30, 2010

Girls Weekend

Every year my mom and I get away together just the two of us. (I'm very fortunate to have two moms). This weekend we are off for some flea market, garage sale and everything in between shopping. It will be a wonderful break from my every day routine... if you know what I mean.

While I was looking for a pretty flea market picture to share, I came across Mandy's fabulous blog She is an incredibly talented photographer and artist. I spent too much time last night looking at all of her gorgeous vintage style photographs and reading her fun blog when I should have been sleeping. I wanted to share a couple of Mandy's pieces with you in case you don't know about her.

You can find more of her artwork at her etsy shop Skippy Designs.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Enjoy your weekend!!! Sounds like a great time!

  2. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    Thank you so much for sharing this link to Mandlynne.
    I agree! Beautiful pictures and grat art.

  3. Sounds so fun! Have an awesome time. Those vintage images are great!

  4. I hope you two have a great weekend! You deserve the break. It sounds like it should be alot of fun. My sister and I did that last year and had a ball!

  5. Have fun! I hope you find many great treasures!

  6. I love that you say you have 2 moms. I'm a stepmother & I raised my sons full time. They're grown now and fairly close to their mother, but I'm still the one they come to when they need anything ;)
    I spend lots of time with my own mother. She's truly my best friend & I treasure our time together. Glad you do too!

  7. Oooh, she is talented, I will go check her out!

  8. I'm following you back!! Thanks for following Hello, Splendor!
    So happy to find your blog... Can't wait to see more of your posts.
    Thanks again!!

  9. too much time spent blogging when you are supposed to do something else, yet you find that inner peace that you cannot turn your back away? that is a classic sign of a blogaholic! love that flea vintage sign... i will check out her blog too. have a great week. verbena cottage

  10. Hope you had a great weekend, thanks for sharing the images and etsy shop!

  11. Moms are the BEST shopping partners!! Have fun!!

